I was blown away by all the lovely comments that were made when I posted a card made using this technique on Facebook. A number of friends have asked how it's done and if I'd be doing a blog so here goes.
Start off by picking a Sweet Poppy Stencil, I've used the new design by Emma Cronin which is going to feature on Hochanda this Friday, it's called Mehndi Flower
Using your magnetic sheet, tape your card and stencil down as usual.
Next, use your Sweet Poppy Stencil Glossy Black Stencil Paste
Now, this is the point where you need to be patient and wait for it to dry, generally I leave it overnight.
I got a small amount of paste below the flower but wasn't too concerned as it was going to be trimmed down.
Now for the fun part, get your foil ready and your laminator warmed up. My laminator came from Tesco's, cost a tenner and gets quite hot which I think is key to the process. Place the foil shiny side up over the black paste.
Place it in a piece of folded A4 paper.
Feed it through the laminator making sure that it's up to temperature first.
Once it's cool it looks like this.
Now gently peel back the foil......
Here's where the 'MAGIC' starts.
Look at that bling.
It's fabulours how the colours dance in the light.
Here's card made using the sames steps as above but using the Sweet Poppy Stencil Feather
I really hope that this step by step guide to using this technique is helpful and hope that you'll try it out. Go on, you know you want to, it is easy and gives such stunning results.
Thanks for dropping by and feel free to leave me a comment. Hope to see you soon.
Crafty hugs
Jules xxx
Since writing and posting this blog I've had a lot of questions about what type of foil to use, I bought a Foil It machine made by Patsy May a few years ago and I used the foil that goes with that. It's a 'toner foil' that you can buy either direct from patsymay.co.uk or you can buy it from their store on eBay. The item number for the plain coloured rolls on eBay is 251665134093 and the number for the holographic roles is 261614576125.
My good friend Eileen Godwin has also created stunning results using this technique together with Tonertex Foils.
I noticed on the Patsy May site that it says foils work at different temperature and pressure settings so some foils such as those for your TODO or Craft Dragon machines may not work, you would have to give it a go.